Statistics of children who age out of
foster care without a family

  • Less than half will have graduated from high school

  • Nearly 2/3 of girls will be pregnant by age 21

  • All have exponentially higher risk of becoming a victim of human trafficking

  • One in four will be in trouble with the law within just two years of aging out

  • One in five will become homeless

  • One in four will experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder in their lifetime (more than twice that rate of U.S. veterans of war)

A group of students at The Bridge House

Join The Bridge Crew

Join our team of dedicated volunteers and make a difference in our community. We offer a variety of opportunities for you to get involved. Contribute your time and skills to a cause that matters, build meaningful connections, and experience the joy of giving back. Explore our volunteer opportunities to find the perfect fit for you. Together, we can create a positive impact!

Kids Crew:

Provide a safe and fun environment for the children and youth at The Bridge House.

Become a Volunteer >

Meal Crew:

Provide a meal for the children and youth at The Bridge House!

Become a Volunteer >

Building Crew:

Building & maintenance & repairs, landscaping, cleaning, and laundry.

Become a Volunteer >


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Purchase food for the kids of The Bridge House.

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Purchase resources for the kids of the Bridge House.

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with your continued support
the bridge house has helped



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